The Six habits of happy people
We ushered 2024 with shouts of “Happy New Year!” Amidst all the celebrations I pondered over the various paths to true happiness in this life. I’m not talking about the fleeting pleasures of life that are often confused with happiness. I’m referring to the joy that can be experienced in the midst of sufferings.
I recalled all the happy people I knew who remained happy even in the middle of trying circumstances. What makes these people always happy? Upon reflection, I realised that it came from their daily habits. I have culled out 7 habits of these happy people.
The first habit is happy people choose happiness. They create their own sunshine. They do not tie their happiness to anything or anybody. They live by the simple truth that happiness is in the here and the now.
The second habit is happy people feel an enduring sense of gratitude for everything in their lives. They wake up daily thankful to God for what they have and who they are. They do not lament at their inadequacies and shortcomings. They are grateful in all circumstances of their lives.
The third habit is: happy people are forgiving people. They are never bitter about anything or anybody. They do not hold on to any grudge. They just let go, forgetting and forgiving injustices meted out to them.
The fourth habit is happy people do not compare themselves to others. They understand that it is futile to do so. They however, compare themselves to their former selves and work at becoming better versions of themselves.
The fifth habit is happy people are giving people. They offer monetary help to the needy and don’t stop with that. They also give their smile, a kind word and of their very self in warm friendships.
The sixth habit is that happy people limit their desires. The unlimited choices that are available today do not make them avaricious. Rather they learn to limit their desires. This gives them a feeling of perennial satisfaction.
The seventh but not the least habit is happy people look to god for everything. They pray, read the sacred scriptures and implore god’s guidance in every area of their lives.
Here lies the secret to happiness, a set of simple habits to live by in 2024.